About Us

This website, www.lcct.com.my, is NOT affiliated, associated, nor in any business relationship with Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB), the company in charge of operating the Malaysia’s LCCT (Low-cost Carrier Terminal). In addition, this website is NOT subsidized, funded, sponsored, endorsed, officially approved by MAHB or any airlines, food, telco, transport and other companies mentioned in the website.

This website is a small web project, designed and developed by two common-interest individuals, to search, gather, analyze, organize, categorize, and publish the widely available information related to LCCT, available both on the web and real world, for the sharing and benefit of people who will be using the LCCT facilities.

Needless to say, It’s a self-funded, community-based, ongoing project that continues to be worked on from time to time.

As we are working on tight budget and limited resources, with no official authority on operating the LCCT, we have much regret that many suggestions, complaints, inquiries made to the administrator of this website haven’t been properly handled in timely fashion.

Although it may be of no significant value, we will publish your suggestions and comments on this website, and also do our best to relay your messages to the relevant authorities so that they can take appropriate actions.

Over the course of last 3+ years, this is the 3rd update of www.lcct.com.my. Our 1st version and 2nd version are shown here:

Version 1

www.lcct.com.my version 1

Version 2

www.lcct.com.my version 2

Getting Popular

Initially launched in 2006 without much fanfare, this website has gone through various cycles of revisions. Along the way, more information is added to enhance the usability of this website. And thanks to the continued interest, our website has become a favorite search result on Google, Yahoo and MSN Live.


Gradually, we are getting increasing page visits from people all around the world. based on statistics using Google Analytics, we are estimating about 800-900 visits to our site daily.

Visits to www.lcct.com.my - based on Google Analytics - from July 2009 to Feb 2010

Updated Visits Statistics on 1 Jan 2012.

Over the years, www.lcct.com.my is getting popular as a portal to provide relevant information for visitors travelling to Malaysia and locals trying to find information to travel overseas.

Statistics on visistors to www.lcct.com.my - based on Google Analytics - from Jan 2009 to Dec 2011

We are now averaging 2,000 to 2,500 visits a day. It’s our objective of the year 2012 to hit a target of servicing 100,000 visits a month. You can be rest assured that we will continuously update this website to provide vital information to you and all the travelers.

Other Statistics

Other statistics on our site usage are reasonably impressive.

Statistics on www.lcct.com.my - based on Google Analytics - from July 2009 to Feb 2010

Can We Do More?

But how can we make this better and help more people who are looking for more information when visiting Malaysia? How can we make it easier for us to manage and update the contents? These have been the questions that have been bugging us since the initial release.

With the release of the 3rd version, we hope we have found the answer.

For this 3rd version, we have taken a whole new approach. Instead of relying on plain old HTML/PHP files that powered the 1st and 2nd version, we have decided to use zencart, a powerful shopping cart engine.

Instead of just file-based project that takes us days to find certain files to update information, zencart serves us a database-oriented engine to store and display information. And that makes updating information an almost painless action.

What’s new in this new www.lcct.com.my (3rd version)?

  • Search – A top left hand corner search box to help you find information faster.
  • Featured – Show you the most frequently viewed web pages
  • Contact Us – A simple way to keep in touch
  • Tab navigation
  • Multilingual support – both English and Simplified Chinese (ehhh… coming soon…)
  • Your comments – Write a review, tell a friend feature
  • Other tiny minor improvements…

It’s our hope that with this new release, you will be better served and more people will be informed.

As you know that we are continuously updating and adding new information to this website, you may opt to follow updates from us on Twitter.

Thanks again you for your visit! If you have any questions or comments, please kindly let us know.

What others have said about us?


As a final note, we want to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to: IP SERVERONE SOLUTIONS SDN BHD


They have been the helpful and wonderful webhosting services provider that making our website possible.

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