On 9 May 2014, LCCT officially closes, a new Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (KLIA2) is built to replace the LCCT with bigger & better facilities. As a result, the info posted on this website is no longer applicable to the new KLIA2. Visit www.klia2.info for latest info on the new klia2 terminal.

Taxi drivers claim different regulations confusing

Saturday December 12, 2009, By FAZLEENA AZIZ

TAXI drivers are urging for a standard set of rules and regulations for their services.

They said it was unfair to generalise about taxi drivers and typecast them.

The taxi driverssaid this after the statement by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz about unscrupulous taxi drivers being worse than the condition of toilets in Malaysia.

Taxi driver Lim Yoke Shiuan said part of the main problem is the various type of taxis available like the red and white, premium, LCCT, van and super taxis in the city.

On the ruling that next year all taxis must issue receipts, he said that they have been doing so since eight years ago.

There are over 31,000 taxis in the Klang Valley and they will be forced to print out thousands of receipts.

Lim said receipts should be given upon request rather than make it a mandatory requirement.

“There are also problems with taxis at hotels, which do not use meters and make the rest of us look bad.

“Taxis woes in Puduraya and airport taxis are also another problem,” he said.

He said the many rulings and policies on taxis had even confused the customers. “The authorities have many set of rules and the taxi drivers are the ones facing problems,” he said during a press conference with the Selangor and Federal Territory Taxi Drivers Association adviser Datuk Donald Lim recently.

Donald Lim also highlighted some of the concerns by taxi drivers like the use of NGV gas in the boot of the car which took up baggage space.

He suggested that car manufacturers look into the problem and make bigger boots.

“A dialogue should be held with consumer associations, taxi drivers and non-governmental organisations to discuss the problems.” he said, adding that taxis were an important mode of transportation for people in the city.

He also said it was a good move to have the public come forward with their complaints on errant taxi drivers.

He said this would bring about improvements.

This article is a verbatim copy of the original article from The Star.

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