On 9 May 2014, LCCT officially closes, a new Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (KLIA2) is built to replace the LCCT with bigger & better facilities. As a result, the info posted on this website is no longer applicable to the new KLIA2. Visit www.klia2.info for latest info on the new klia2 terminal.

AirAsia FAQs – Booking Management

How can I add/change my telephone details?

If you're an AirAsia member, login to your account and you'll be able to change your contact details. Click on Manage My Booking and retrieve your booking to include your away mobile number.

Please ensure that you have inserted the international country calling code along your home and mobile contact number.

Once you have selected the country, the international calling code will automatically appear at the bar where you will key in the phone number.

Please ensure that you fill in your phone number without any symbols or spaces.

Can I purchase AirAsia Insure Travel Protection after paying for my booking?

Yes, AirAsia Insure Travel Protection is available for purchase at AirAsia’s airport Sales Counters.

AirAsia FAQs - Booking Management

What should I do if I have fogotten my AirAsia member password?

Click on 'Forgot Your Password' on the member login page. Fill up the form and submit your request to us. AirAsia will email the password to the email address that was originally given to us when your username was created.

How do I purchase a higher tier of baggage allowance?

To purchase a higher tier of baggage allowance, retrieve your itinerary from Manage My Booking and select Add Baggage from Modify Your Booking. Please note that additional charges will incur.

How do I know if my payment got through?

Upon confirmation, you will see the itinerary page which will include a booking number with a "Confirmed" status. A confirmed itinerary will also be sent to the email you used to make your booking.

Alternatively, you can logon to Manage My Booking to review your itinerary or contact AirAsia’s Call Centre to check the status of your booking.

How do I change meals that I have booked?

You can logon to Manage My Booking or contact AirAsia’s Call Centre to re-select your meals.

Can I make changes to my itinerary online?

Yes, you'll have to logon to Manage My Booking on AirAsia’s website with your itinerary number to retrieve and make changes online.

How do I change my AirAsia member options, settings and contact details?

Login with your member ID and go to " Update Profile" to make amendments to your profile. Please remember to save the changes that you have made.

How do I make payment online for a flight change on my itinerary?

Retrieve your itinerary on Manage My Booking and you'll be able to make payment online. Otherwise, contact AirAsia’s Call Centre for assistance.

I will be out of the country but still want to receive updates of flight changes on my mobile. How can I update my away phone number?

To update your away phone number, logon to Manage My Booking with your itinerary details. You will then be able to Update Your Contact Details on the Modify Your Booking tab. Ensure that you enter the country code followed by your mobile number abroad.

I'd like to re-select my seats online for a flight I've already booked, how can I do so?

Just retrieve your itinerary on Manage My Booking and look for the Change Seats button on the Modify My Booking tab. Please note that seat changes will incur additional charges.

How do I make an AirAsia Insure travel protection claim?

In the event of an insurance claim, you can download a copy of Notice of Claim Form which is available in either English or Bahasa Malaysia from Claims Procedure under the AirAsia Insure Travel Protection section.

After completing the form, please fax or post it to the contact information indicated in the document.

How do I make changes to my booking if I have paid using Direct Debit?

If you have paid using Direct Debit for your booking, you can only make an online change if you have purchased your booking registered as a member.

Otherwise, please proceed to AirAsia’s nearest Sales Office/Airport Sales Counter or contact AirAsia’s Call Centre for changes.

How do I make a destination change to my existing booking?

Destination changes are not allowed. You will need to make a new booking to change flight routes.

How do I make a name change for an existing booking?

Name change is allowed up to six (6) hours prior to the scheduled flight departure time. To make the changes, you can either contact AirAsia’s Call Centre or go to any of AirAsia’s Sales Offices/Airport Sales Counters for assistance.

AirAsia will require proof of identity of both the original and substitute guest to ensure authenticity of the request.

Please note that name change is subject to a fee as provided for in the Fee Schedule and is only available for certain fare classes only.

How can I correct a spelling error on my booking?

Logon to Manage My Booking to amend your passport, name details or phone number. Otherwise, you can also contact AirAsia’s Call Centre and AirAsia’s agents will assist you. Always double-check your details to ensure that the right information is provided.

How can I amend the sequence of the names which I have wrongly entered while booking?

You won't have to change the sequence of the names provided that both the names do not differ from your travel document.

How do I view my booking itinerary online?

Logon to Manage My Booking to retrieve your itinerary. If your booking was made using your AirAsia member identity, please ensure that you login with your AirAsia member identity first.

How can I make a flight change?

Changes can be made via Manage My Booking, at all AirAsia’s Sales Office/Airport Sales Counter and through AirAsia’s call centre.

Can I change flight date/time?

You may change flights up to forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled flight departure time, subject to the following conditions:

  • (a) if the new flight booked is in a lower fare class than that of the cancelled booked flight, the difference in fares will not be refunded to the guest
  • (b) if the new flight booked is in a higher fare class than that of the cancelled booked flight, the difference in fares shall be paid by the guest before the cancellation or change can be made;
  • (c) the change is not confirmed until it is reflected in your booking itinerary
  • (d) route change is not allowed (i.e. changing flight from KUL-STN to KUL-BALI).

Changes can be made via Manage My Booking, at all AirAsia’s Sales Office/Airport Sales Counter and through AirAsia’s call centre. A change fee is applicable.

How do I make changes to my booking online?

Click on Manage My Booking and enter your flight details or login with your AirAsia member identity to make changes to your itinerary. You can change flight date/time, update your contact details and travel details, purchase additional services like checked baggage allowance and in-flight meals.

What happens to my AirAsia Insure Travel Protection if I were to change flights?

The AirAsia Insure Travel Protection policy will automatically expire once you make any changes to your booking. If you'd like to purchase a new policy, you can do so at the AirAsia’s Airport Sales Counters.

Can I purchase an Open status booking?

Although most airlines practice this, this is not available on AirAsia flights. All bookings made with AirAsia must be confirmed with a flight number and date.

Please search this FAQs for answers to the most frequently asked questions. In the event this FAQ does not answer your enquiry, please call AirAsia’s helpline at +603 2171 9222 or click on the following Contact AirAsia page for contact numbers of the Call Centre in your area. References: AirAsia FAQs

Latest version of this article AirAsia FAQs – Booking Management is available at www.klia2.info
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