On 9 May 2014, LCCT officially closes, a new Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (KLIA2) is built to replace the LCCT with bigger & better facilities. As a result, the info posted on this website is no longer applicable to the new KLIA2. Visit www.klia2.info for latest info on the new klia2 terminal.

Obstacles face by OKU when fyling Airasia

Posted by: chengchui, 4 Dec 2010

I took airasia flight twice, no doubt everyone can fly but not really for those who totally depend on a wheelchair. Though Airasia earn hundred million and boast the caption, "Everyone Can Fly", there are still short coming for people like us who only can afford to fly airasia. I like to share my experince to the world, hope something can be done and improved.

We only have the facitily at LCCT terminal , not other airport, if we are lucky we can use the sky bridge , if not we have to have carried down from a flight of steep stair from the plane, it dangerous, once false move, we can ended up in the hospital with broken bone. My appreciation for airasia staff who carried us. Another is at LCCT , they have special trolly to bring us into the plane , and then to our seat, thank for that. This facility goes as fas as there. In the plane, airasia don't provide those special trolly for us to go to  toilet, therefore i dare not to drink any water peroid to the flight as not to cause an embrassement. I looking forward to flight more further and longer hour, but so far i dare not , cause I would peep in my pants as we have no access to the toilet in plane. I m sure MAS can assist Airasia in this obstancle in the plane.

I m begging Airasia to do something, I really want to travelled far.  At other airport, the stewards , or the ground staff or the pilot had to carry us from the seat in the plane to our wheelchair that can only reach  at the entrance of the plane, that is some distance, we  either drag or carried like a wounded soldier by them to  our wheelchair. It a back breaking for them , as we are heavy , thanks guys.This problem can be easily overcome , if they have kept a  special trolly  in the plane for us. I know is  a small plane, they want to make a profit., I m sure they, airasia engineer can find a space in the plane to put the special small troly for  us. This is only barrier we face, please Airasia, provide us the simple facility for us ,  we today technology and profit you made, do have a heart for us, do something. 

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