On 9 May 2014, LCCT officially closes, a new Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (KLIA2) is built to replace the LCCT with bigger & better facilities. As a result, the info posted on this website is no longer applicable to the new KLIA2. Visit www.klia2.info for latest info on the new klia2 terminal.

Transit Visa

The Transit Visa is issued to applicants who wish to enter Malaysia on transit to other countries. Transit visa can be issued upon arrival for a stay of maximum of 120 hours (extension not possible).

The Transit Visa will be issued based on the following requirements, if

1) Passenger arrives and departs from the same point and not through any other points;

2) Holding confirmed onward ticket and all documents required for next destination.

Travellers on transit without leaving the airport precints and who continue their journey to the next destination with the same flight do not require a transit visa.

Sample of Visa


1. Transit Without Visa (TWOV) cannot be given to visitors who do not possess visas from 3rd country of destination as follows:

  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • United States of America
  • Japan
  • China
  • Taiwan
  • South Korea

2. Transit Without Visa (TWOV) facility cannot exceed more than 120 hours (5 days).

3. TWOV facility is only available at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) entry points.

4. TWOV are to be given to visitors who fulfil the following:

  • Valid national passport or internationally recognized travel document;
  • Travel documents valid for more than 6 months from the date of entry
  • A return ticket to country of origin
  • Not listed in Immigration Department suspected list

5. There will be no extension of TWOV facility

6. Permanent residents and long term pass holders from other countries i.e Australia or New Zealand do not bound to regulations and conditions no (1) and (4 [iii]) only.

*Those on Australian visitor visas or Bridging visas (except Bridging visa E) flying with AirAsia or Malaysia Airlines to their final destination are eligible for a Transit Pass.

*If those on bridging (except Bridging visa E) or tourist visa fly with airlines other than Air Asia and Malaysia Airlines, they must apply for a visa prior to travelling.

*Those on Bridging Visa E are not eligible for a Transit Pass, must apply for a visa prior to travel.


Please be advised that with effect from 15 July 2010, visitors / travellers from Indian Sub-Continental (Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan) with valid permanent resident status or valid long term permit of stay i.e students’ Visa or valid work permits from other countries such as Australia and New Zealand may be granted the transit facility without visa up to 120 hours in Malaysia.

These nationals however are responsible to show proof of their visa status without fail upon entry into Malaysia.

Transit pass will be granted at Kuala Lumpur International Airport and Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) Kuala Lumpur.

Citizens from above mentioned countries who hold any type of bridging visa and tourists visas from Australia are required to obtain visas prior to their travel to Malaysia.

References: www.kln.gov.my.


  • Valid Passport
  • Form IMM.47 (Print on both side of an A4 paper. Printing on 2 pieces of paper will not be accepted).
  • 2 Passport size photographs
  • Return or onward – journey traveling ticket
  • Proof of sufficient funds in the form of endorsements of Foreign exchange in the passport.
Example: Malaysia Transit Visa
Example of a transit visa


Category Single Entry
Form Form IMM.47
Validity 5 days


Headquarters Immigration Department Malaysia
Ministry of Home Affairs
Level 1-7 (Podium) No 15
Persiaran Perdana, Precint 62550 Putrajaya
Operation Hour 8.00 am to 5.00 pm
Telephone 03-88801000
Customer Service 1800-22-1777


Malaysian Transit Visa

robocop104 wrote:

Transit Visa

Just wanted to share my experience in getting a transit visa at KL.

I was travelling Cathay pacific on my way to Chennai, INDIA and had around 10 hours to spend in KL. i got together with a bunch of guys who were headed the same way. none of us really knoew what we were doing but we sure knew we wanted to see the petronas towers.

So off we went. one of us enquired at the tourist counter if we can get a tour guide to show us around. so the 7 of us waited about half an hour before the guy showed up. they had sent a tamilian as we had requested. while we waited we stood in the long queue to go through immigration. by the time we were done, the guy was ready to go. he charged us about 20 USD per head.

The transit visa was not a bother at all. we just walked right through it. i hear the malaysia airlines does provide help for a transit visa and a hotel room if you are travelling malaysian to and from.

We had an hours drive from the airport to the city. we saw the sultans palace, some museum which we didnt really care for in that heat, the KL tower which was a good place to watch the sunset. then a small visit to the mall in the petronas towers.

Petronas towers are purely office buildings and they dont allow you to go up. so the only viewing you can do is at the KL tower which is quite a good view i have to say and it is right next to the petronas.

We also had a small detour to see little india and some cricket grounds and KL downtown.

Finally around 10 we were back on our way to the airport.

Next time i will visit batu caves and Taman negara if i have time.

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